Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies
ENG101 English Grammar

This course is designed to help students understand the structure and style of the English Language, and its usage and apply them appropriately in writing and speaking. While focusing on grammar, the course promotes the development of all language skills in a variety of ways.

ENG102 Introduction to Reading

This course is designed to introduce the basic components of reading. It allows students to experience the pleasure of reading English texts while maintaining fluency, accuracy, and interpretation of the texts.

ENG103 Composition I

This course is designed to help students learn different kinds of phrases and clauses, as well as to construct simple, compound, and complex sentences on their own. The focal point of the course is to guide the students in constructing academic paragraphs.

ENG104 Phonology

This course is an introduction to the study of sounds. The course will begin with studying the acoustic and articulatory properties of speech sounds. Then, move on to the basic theoretical aspect of phonology and discuss modern issues in phonology. Although variety of English is the main focal language, phonetic and phonological aspects of other languages are also discussed.

ENG105 Short Stories

This course is designed to introduce students to the art of short stories. Through reading well-crafted stories, students will learn how to appreciate short fiction and become familiar with the different elements of the short story form: plot, point of view, dialogue and action, character development as well as language, voice, and style.

ENG106 Academic Reading

This course provides students opportunities to learn a wide variety of strategies and skills of reading, including previewing or skimming, scanning, using context clues to clarify meaning, finding the main idea, summarizing, and making inferences.

ENG107 Literature of the World

This course is designed to increase the knowledge of students in literature such as literary genres and their elements, and enable the students to see the importance of literature in reading and writing. It equips students with art appreciation to read or tell the literature with respect and value. The students will be able to identify the qualities of literary masterpieces and appreciate the work.

ENG201/ 206 Effective and Advanced Communication Skills

This course introduces students to the importance of effective communications in all sectors such as the academic world, business world, and social interactions. Students will learn a variety of communication key factors, a wide range of vocabulary, the western cultures, and the general knowledge that will hone their effective communication skills in all professions, the community, and personal relations.

ENG202 Composition II (Essay Writing)

This course is designed to help students learn the writing process with the integration of instruction in paragraph and essay organization. The main focus of the course is to guide students in creating a strong thesis statement, supporting sentences, and a proper conclusion in their steps of writing well-organized academic paragraphs and essays.

ENG203 Young Adult Literature

This course is designed to guide students in reading texts that address modern world issues, problems, and subjects that teens/ young readers can relate to and resonate with. The goal of the course is to help students understand themselves more and their role in society.

ENG204 Public Speaking

This course is designed to enable students in giving a formal speech in public. It also helps them improve their communication skills. The students will receive guidance in planning and preparing speeches that inform, persuade, or fulfill the needs of special occasions. Presentations in groups, as well as individual, debate, and group discussions, will be required of students.

ENG205 Business Writing

This course aims to serve as a practical guide for students in writing business letters required in the workplace. The students will be introduced to the principles and guidelines of writing business letters such as emails, letters, memos, reports, and CVs. The ultimate goal of the course is to produce work-place-ready students in terms of writing business letters.

ENG207 Poetry

This course is designed to give students various forms of poetry from many different periods and different places. Students will learn various methods of reading and writing poetry and analyze poets’ life and their poems. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of poetry and recognize and identify various styles and languages.

ENG208 Argumentative and Debate

This course is designed to teach first-year students the basic but crucial skills of analyzing problems, evaluating inferences, and presenting arguments for or against claims or decisions and give students basic concepts and methods of critical thinking, and developing skills of defending and responding to issues and problems. Moreover, it aspires students with an open and inquiring attitude and develops a habit of reasoning carefully.

ENG301 Composition III (Advanced Academic Writing)

This course is designed to help the students write longer academic essays while maintaining unity and coherence. It teaches the students various methods of essay writing and also gives guidance on writing a complete research report.

ENG302 Asian Literature

This course is designed to make students familiar with the background of the historical development from period to period and help students familiar with the important features of each period in the light of the literary genres and movements of schools, as well as with the major authors and works, involved in its historical development.

ENG303 Teaching Methodology

This course aims to introduce different methods and approaches of English Language Teaching. The course mainly focuses on three areas of language teaching: (a) Classroom Management, (b) Teaching Methods, and (c) Language Learner

ENG304 Novel

This course is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the important elements of novels. Students will learn to analyze and criticize the different genres and the nature of novels. Students’ creative and critical thinking skills will develop through readings and writing activities.

ENG305 Current Issues

This course is designed to help students explore and understand current issues in areas such as education, environment, politics, and others. The course will equip students with new learning and analytical skills, as well as a better understanding of their society and beyond in order to become well-informed individuals in the future.

ENG306 Language Skills Teaching

This course focuses on English Language Skills Teaching theories and methods, including curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plan. It guides the students in their steps of preparing and writing lesson plans in teaching 4 language skills in English, as well as grammar.

ENG307 Journalism

This course focuses on an introduction to Journalism, news writing basics, reporting basics, and covering news. Students will be able to conduct interviews, news writing, and reporting, and gain basic media literacy as they finish this course.

ENG308 Discourse Analysis

This course introduces major concepts and issues in discourse studies and their applications to language education. It covers a wide range of approaches in the study of discourse, such as systematic functional linguistics, register, speech acts, and others. It also provides an analysis of a wide range of both spoken and written discourse examples.

ENG309 Service Learning

All English major students need to participate in a service-learning program as it is designed to practice what they have learned in the classroom. It also helps the students to appreciate the importance of giving service to the community with the knowledge they received from the college.

ENG401 Creative Writing

This is a course with a deep study of the process and the concepts of writing fiction as well as non-fiction that is strongly based on one’s own creativity and originality to generate captivating pieces of short stories, poems, and news features, if not novel.

ENG402 Western Literature

This course is designed to make students familiar with the background of the historical development from period to period and help students familiar with the important features of each period in the light of the literary genres and movements of schools, as well as with the major authors and works, involved in its historical development.

ENG403 Translation

This course is designed to distinguish between the two kinds of translation, ‘literal translation’ and ‘meaning-based translation’. The course focuses on strategies for making a meaning-based translation that is accurate, natural, and clear.

ENG404/ 409 Research Methods/ Research Paper

This course aims to give students an understanding of research methodology in social science research. It introduces students to approaches in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method designs. Moreover, it guides the students on how to design and carry out social science research which is the focal point of the course. The students will have to write a complete research paper at the end of the course.

ENG405 Film Class

This course focuses on the rise of the film industry, the effects it has on society, the ideas of the movies business, the changing nature of its market, and the future of movies. Students will have concrete knowledge that they can apply in any form of entertainment consumption.

ENG407 Drama

This course is designed to introduce students to various types of dramatic literature, from different periods and places. Its purpose is to familiarize students with not only the history and theoretical aspects of theatre, but also its practical manifestations through playwriting, acting, directing, stage production, and theatre management.

ENG408 Literary Criticism

The course is designed for students to introduce different literary theories to approach literature from various practical and theoretical perspectives and equip them with a theoretical and practical understanding of how critics develop their interpretations. Moreover, this course helps students to develop their methods of interpreting the texts, and their personal hermeneutics and helps them as readers to order, clarify and justify their appraisals of any text consistently.

Bachelor of Arts in Music

MUS 101 Music Theory I

Music Theory I is college level studies in fundamentals of Music, including Rudiments of Music Theory and basic Terminology designed for Music Major.

MUS 102 Music Theory II

Music Theory II is Continued studies in fundamentals of Music, including Scales, Intervals, Triads, Chords and basic Music Terminology.

MUS 201Music Theory III

Music Theory III is a study of Basic Harmonization and Fundamental Tonal Harmony, including extended Chords Studies, Functional Harmony/Chords, Basic Part Writing Principles, Tonal Ideas and Nonharmonic Tones.

MUS 202 Music Theory IV

Music Theory IV is continued studies in Tonal Harmony and Basic Arranging, including Two parts, three parts and Four parts writing and arranging existing music material for different combinations of voices involving different types of accompaniment.

MUS 203 Music History I

This course is focused on the historical and cultural background of ancient middle eastern music, ancient Greek musical thought and its influence on the development of church music of the middle ages. It also encompasses the development of the western musical notational system of the medieval era to renaissance period. This course is structured to provide information about historical, sociological, and political context in which the Western musical style of Baroque and classical music flourished. The course also encourages students to learn the musical elements, form and styles of Baroque - Classical era.

MUS 204 Music History II

The designation of this course provides the historical, political, social and cultural background that yielded the formation of Romantic Era music. This course is designed to provide historical, musical style and sociological aspects of Western music of the twentieth century and beyond.

MUS 103 Musicianship I

This course is a supervised development of beginning skills in sight singing, ear training plus melodic intervals and simple diatonic melodies and major keys.

MUS 104 Musicianship II

This Course is supervised development of more advanced skills in sight singing and ear training, including melodic and harmonic intervals and diatonic melodies in major and minor keys.

MUS 205 Musicianship III

This course introduces the academic study of language or the field of linguistics in general. It will lay a solid foundation for students with little or no background in linguistics. This course covers the nature of human language and a survey of essential topics in the field of linguistics, such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, computational linguistics, and psycholinguistics.

MUS 206 Musicianship IV

This course is supervised development of more advance skills in sight singing and ear training.

MUS 301 Choral Conducting I

Studies in basic choral conduction and choral techniques, involving simple anthem literature to provide the students techniques, ideas and confidant in leading choral group in church setting.

MUS 302 Choral Conducting II

Continuation of studies in choral conducting and score analysis for advanced choral anthem literature, larger choral forms, and master works.

MUS 303/304 Ethno Arts: Kachin Music I&II

Ethno Arts is a study of expressive art forms (music, dance, drama, visual arts, verbal arts) in culture for worship and mission. This course consists three parts: Analysis, Research and Applied. Ethno Arts Analysis Techniques provides students with a framework for analyzing a variety of expressive cultural art forms. Research Methods in Ethno Arts gives participants an opportunity to practice investigative methods (predominantly ethnographic research) for understanding several varieties of performing arts in the terms of people who create and understand them best. Applied Ethno Arts course is designed to increase participants’ awareness of how the Arts function within their context and do offer some tools for beginning steps in specific ways that Arts can be applied appropriately within various cultural contexts. Chat Conversation End.

MUS 305/306 Music Education I & II

Music Education is a college level course designed to introduce the benefits of music education, in general, developmental psychology, and different age-appropriate teaching methods in music education. In addition, the Couse in primarily focused on how to apply different music pedagogy in relation to biblical themes and Christian Education given in a context of church music ministry setting.

MUS 401 Music and Technology I

This course is designed to provide the basic usages of Mobile Music Applications and Computer Music Writing Software, including Sibelius, Encore and Mobile applications.

MUS 402 Music and Technology II

Continued study of Computer Music softwires extended to recording softwires together with basic studies of sound equipment using for church setting and home studio setting.

MUS 307 Major Elective I

MUS 403 Major Elective II

MUS 100 Applied Major 1 – 8

One hour (60 minutes) of individual instruction per week in the principal performing area is required for music majors.

MUS 200 Applied Minor 1 – 4

Secondary instrument studies for music majors. Students will receive one half hour (30 minutes) of private instruction each week. Non-Piano Major students must take applied piano minor. After piano minor 4 they must take piano proficiency test as their graduation requirement.

MUS 400 Major Recital

(Junior and Senior Recital)/ Major Paper Student recitals are one of the graduation requirements for CLAP (Music) students. They help the students gain the experience and confidence in performing in front of an audience- a basic skill that is needed for ministry. It is also an evaluation tool to assess the student’s performance skill and progress, and the student’s readiness and qualification for graduation and future ministry. CLAP (Music) students perform a Combined Junior Recital after passing Applied Major V, and a Graduation Recital after passing Applied Major VII. For some reasons, some students will be required to write Major Paper in substitution of Senior Recital.

MUS 1234 Choral Ensemble (KTCS Singers) and Instrumental Ensemble (Orchestra/Band)

Ensemble membership is required of all music students. Students may gain experience studying and performing a wider repertoire, develop ensemble skills, and provide opportunities to gain rehearsal and performing experience

MUS 000 Performance Laboratory

Performance Laboratory is a once a week performance of applied major and minor students. Applied Major students should perform at least twice a semester and for applied minor students once a semester. All music students are required to attend every performance laboratory.

ANS 101 Fine Arts & Music Appreciation

This course is designed to acquaint college students with the foundation of arts, especially the elements of music and the primary musical periods of traditional western classical music. This course provides an approach to perceptive listening and an introduction to musical elements, forms and styles periods. The class discussion will cover from the middle ages to present. This course emphasis on the historical, political, social and cultural background that yielded the formation of Romantic period music.

Diploma in Business Administration

BA 101 Introduction to Business Management

This course introduces students to the very fundamental and principle contents of business and management. The nature of business activities, the economic factors, the roles of human resource, technology in business management and so on the concepts of management are generally covered in this course.

BA 102 Principles of Marketing (1)

This is an introductory marketing course which provides the basic concepts of marketing and the marketing process. Marketing environment analysis, marketing information management, buyer behavior, and value-driven marketing strategy are also studied in this course to produce the understanding of market place and consumer value.

BA 103 Principles of Accounting (1)

The principles of accounting bring students from the starting point through their journey of learning accounting in business. As an essential function in business, the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are introduced at the first glance in this course and further the content is driven into the study of business transactions, analyzing and recording the transactions, and adjusting and completing accounting cycle.

BA 104 Principles of Economic

The ten principles of economic are delivered as the introduction of this course. The overview of how markets work, markets and welfare, the real economy in the long run, and the basic concepts of open-economy macroeconomics is focused in the contents of this course.

BA 105 Principles of Marketing (2)

In this proceeding principles of marketing course, specific insights into product life cycle management, pricing, marketing channels, and extending marketing are further provided in order to generate deeper understanding of marketing.

BA 106 Principles of Accounting (2)

This course is intended to upgrade students’ accounting knowledge into the next level. In this course, considerable topics of accounting for merchandising operations, inventory and cost sales, accounting information systems, and internal control are extensively included.

BA 107 Human Resource Management

Probably the most important resource of a business is its people. This course comprises applied methods and theories of managing valuable human resource through the major activities of acquiring, developing and compensating.

BA 108 Communication and Information System

This course provides the fundamentals of electronic technology and the foundation of the management of computer-based information system in business. Basic concepts of computer hardware, software, database, and data communication are introduced from the perspective of users and managers.

BA 201 Microeconomic

This course gives students a chance to understand the various influencing factors in microeconomic environment. The explicit comprehension of microeconomic principles, to be mentioned a few of them, like the efficiency of market, the costs of production, monopolistic competition and of so on is well concentrated the basic manner.

BA 202 Business Statistic

This business statistic course is designed to provide the basic concepts of statistic enhanced with the practical utilization of it. Applied probability, regression and time series models, Gantt chart and PERT/ CPM are basically encompassed in the text for the usage of decision making, forecasting and project scheduling in day to day operations.

BA 203 Business Ethics

This course aims to generate responsible graduates who can be well committed to recognizing right and wrong in business world. Contemporary cases and moral codes are emphasized for the learning objects in this study.

BA 204 Business Law

Business does have to comply with the law as people do. This course is intended to encourage students’ basic understanding of business law. This study is accompanied by the possible day-to-day legal issues of operating business for better comprehension of the context.

BA 205 Advertising and Promotion

The apart of marketing; advertising and promotion has taken an important role in making products/services known and acceptable in the highly competitive market environment today. This course is thus designed to promote students’ advertising and promotion knowledge by making use of concepts, theories and methods.

BA 206 Strategic Management

From clear construction and understanding of an organization’s mission and vision to carrying out plans accordingly is vital for today business success. In this course, students are provided with the analytical tools and strategies in order to effectively develop the framework for strategic management process.

BA 207 Operation Management

This course is intended to introduce the management of operation which is probably the technical core among the functions of a firm or an organization. Integrated view of business/organization is contributed in this course by having included the aspects of organizing work, ensuring quality, managing project and processes throughout the sessions.

BA 208 Leadership and Team Building

This leadership and team building workshop aims to enhance graduating students’ social skills in leading people and successfully engaging with them. Applied concepts and theories in the field of leadership and team building are facilitated for this workshop.

BA 209 Final Business Project

This is a final year project designed for graduating students to be able to analyze their curricular, cognitive and practical knowledge yielded from the two years of study. Certain form of real-life case-based study project, comparative conceptual project, or real business project is supervised for the content.

Diploma in Computer Application

DCA 1 Computer Architecture and Operating Systems

This course introduces overview of computer system architecture and operating system concepts of interplay between software and hardware having operating system as an interface between the software and hardware. Topics covered include Computer Architecture: processor (CPU) architecture, I/O subsystem, digital logic, and memory subsystem and Operating Systems: thread, process and multiprogramming concepts, device, memory and virtual memory management and I/O management.

DCA 2 E- Commerce

The course focuses on importance issues, technologies and tools related to e-business and e-commerce. Overviews of the technologies that enable e-business and e-commerce, including communications technology, portals and search engines, web site design and management, electronic payment systems, security and mobile commerce are presented.

DCA 3 Data Structures and Algorithms: Object-Oriented Approach

This course introduces basic methods for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms emphasizing methods useful in practice and the students will gain a broad understanding of modern computer programming.

DCA 4 Computer Network and Internet

This course aims to introduce Computer Networking. and Technology. Topics include network standards, protocols, technologies, and basic networking concepts: application layer protocols, internet protocols, network interfaces, local and wide area networks, wireless networks, bridging and routing.

DCA 5 Information System

This course provides an overview of principles of information system, including information technology concepts, business information system, System development and Information systems in business and society.

DCA 6 Programming C++

This course covers introduction to the C++ programming language and its subset, the C programming language. Program structure, blocks, storage types, console and file I/O, functions, arrays, strings pointers, call-by-reference, call-by-value, and dynamic memory allocation will be discussed. The concept of classes will be introduced.

DCA 7 Programming Java

This course provides introduction to the Java programming language and students will learn the fundamentals of Java. This course focus on object-oriented programming concepts, terminology, and syntax, and the steps required to create basic Java programs using Eclipse interactive development environments.

DCA 8 Introduction to Computer Application

This course is to introduce the fundamentals of Computer Application. Topic includes three types of software such as System software, Programming software and Application Software. Courses will discuss the application of computers in various fields and the different job titles performing computer related jobs.

DCA 9 Programming C

This course is to introduce the fundamentals of C programming language and develop the skills for solving problems using computers. After completion of this course, a student will be able to understand and use the process of abstraction using a programming language such as 'C', Analyze step by step and develop a program to solve real world problems, understand the basics of system programming, graphics programming and design user interface.

DCA 10 Web Application Development

This course is to familiarize the students with a discussion on internet and its growth. It also provides the students a study on the basic services provided by the internet. A familiarization on the markup languages, scripting languages and web application development are also being discussed to make the student competent to design websites. It has been taken into consideration that this paper assumes that the students must know well in advance about the various protocols of the internet and the knowledge of HTML and databases.

DCA 11 Database Management System

This course is to introduce to the students the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and applications. The paper stresses on database modeling and design, physical file storage techniques and language facilities provided by database management systems.

Diploma in Education

EDU101 Foundation of Teaching; Whole Person Education

This course is designed to introduce about whole person education which is nurturing individual to become a person with wholeness. Adhering to holistic approaches, it will help students to build up all the aspect of their life: intellectual, social, physical, mental, and spiritual.

EDU102 Philosophical Foundation of Education

This course provides a study of the educational implications of traditional or root philosophy: Idealism, Realism, Pragmaticism, and existentialism, and other major educational philosophies such as... Significant factors will include the curricula emphasis, preferred method, ethics, and aesthetics stressed by each philosophy. Attention is placed on the learner’s ability to identify and describe his or her own philosophy of education.

EDU103 Introduction to Developmental Psychology: Child Psychology

Developmental psychology is the study of an individual's social, emotional, cognitive, and biological development through his or her lifespan. This course will focus on the holistic development from infancy to adolescence. This psychology course will examine major theories in child development, different stages of human language, social, cognitive and moral development and how those will have an effect on their learning and perception of the world.

EDU104 Classroom management

To offer principle, management strategies and techniques of classroom management that will be ensuring to create perfect learning environment for the local schools and learning centers.

EDU105 IT & Education (Technology in Teaching)

To promote media literacy of teachers and to infuse information technology in teaching- learning process.

EDU106 Human Development Management

To obtain general disciple of physical fitness and benefit of physical healthiness.

EDU107 Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology is the study of psychological principles, theories, and methodologies to issues of teaching and learning in schools. This course will examine learning theories and their educational applications. This will cover an overview of some of the influential learning theories and the implications of these theories for educational practice.

EDU108 Curriculum Development

To study recent trend of curriculum to nurture whole person education based on holistic development approaches.

EDU201 Methods of Teaching Humanities

EDU202 Methods of Teaching Social Science

EDU203 Methods of Teaching Science

EDU204 Methods of Teaching Mathematics

EDU205 Assessment of learning- 1

To find out how well students are learning what they have taught inside the classroom, based on different assessments types of learning.

EDU207 Organizational Behavior Management

To comprehend the behavior of organization and those who involved in organizations. The different kinds of organizational management theories and strategy will be included.

EDU208 Introduction to Educational Research

To introduce the research methods for educational learning enhancements. Both qualitative and quantitative method and basic statistic will be included.

EDU209/301/401/402 Practicum (shadowing)

1-2. Observing/Tutoring within a local or any assigned elementary classroom.
3-4. Student teaching (1/2 day at a local or any assigned elementary classroom)

Christian Studies (CHS)

CHS 101 Introduction to The Old Testament

The objective of this course is to give an overview of the cannon of the Old Testament by learning its literal, historical, geographical and theological information. This course will help the students to grasp the general view of the salvation history in the Old Testament. It covers the theological content of the Old Testament.

CHS 102 Introduction to The New Testament

This course is an extensive study of the New Testament for the understanding and knowledge of the background and contents. The course covers the basic knowledge about the New Testament and the basic skills or reading and interpreting the texts.

CHS 103 Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is the journey of conforming into the likeness of Jesus Christ. This class aims to both clarify what a follower of Jesus Christ is, and to help the student identify if they truly are a follower of Jesus Christ. We are called not only to believe in Jesus Christ, but to take up our cross and follow him. This class is a foundation stone to all knowledge and learning one attains through their time at KTCS.

CHS 201 Philosophy for Understanding Theology

This course deals with the central ideas of western philosophy, and investigates their development and influence on the formation of theology.

CHS 301 World Religions

This is a basic course which introduces the beliefs and practices of the major world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese religions, Islam and Judaism.

CHS 401 Kachin Baptist Church History & Doctrine

This course is a study of the historical movement of the Kachin Baptists and their doctrine. It traces historical development as a Kachin denomination especially from 1877 to 2003 and emphasizes their beliefs and practices. Struggles and Beliefs of Kachin Baptist distinctive leaders and the church as a whole will be discussed.

CHS 402 Christian Ethics

This course explores major themes and issues in Christian ethics for the purpose of seeking relevant ethical principles to Christian living.

Arts and Science (ANS)

ANS 101 Fine Arts & Music Appreciation

This course is designed to acquaint college students with the foundation of arts, especially the elements of music and the primary musical periods of traditional western classical music. This course provides an approach to perceptive listening and an introduction to musical elements, forms and styles periods. The class discussion will cover from the middle ages to present. This course emphasis on the historical, political, social and cultural background that yielded the formation of Romantic period music.

AND 102 Information System

This course provides an overview of principles of information system, including information technology concepts, business information system, System development and Information systems in business and society.

ANS 201 Environmental Science

ANS 202 Natural Science

ANS 203 E- Commerce

The course focuses on importance issues, technologies and tools related to e-business and e-commerce. Overviews of the technologies that enable e-business and e-commerce, including communications technology, portals and search engines, web site design and management, electronic payment systems, security and mobile commerce are presented.

General Education Courses (GNE)

GNE Communication Skills I/ II

This course is designed to help students communicate effectively in English. Several classroom tasks and learning activities such as group presentations, debates, and group discussions will be provided in each class period in order to develop the students’ communication skills.

GNE Study Skills

This course mainly aims at freshers and is designed to equip all students to do their very best in school performances, help all students enjoy their school experiences, and guide them to achieve their learning potential such as grades and retention of knowledge. The course helps the students achieve in school work and their Christian lives. It equips students with the knowledge and skills they need for a lifetime of learning, made up of both academic and spiritual learning.

GNE World History

This course is a study of both ancient and modern world history in Christian perspective, including the foundation of civilizations, belief systems, commerce, exploration, enlightenment, political revolutions, the industrial revolution, nationalism, imperialism through the world wars, the cold war, the quest of countries seeking independence, and changes in current global patterns. In addition, World History covers polytheism and the development of the monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The religions of the Far East will include Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

GNE Physical Education I/II

This course is designed to focus on students achieving and maintaining a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts. Students will engage in healthy sport activities weekly. Both physical and written assignments will be required.

GNE Introduction to Community Development

This course provides theories and practices of community and economic development to the field of community development. It offers a progression from theory to practice, beginning with a theoretical overview and the approaches to community development including technical assistance, action and evaluation researches, the roles of local organizations and leadership and critical issues of community development.

GNE Kachin Language & Literature

This course is designed to improve the students’ Kachin language for reading and writing skills.

GNE Psychology

This course provides broad coverage of the field of psychology. It will focus on understanding human thinking and behavior and how to look at the relationship between the two. This course will also explore various theories, approaches and applications to trace the causes of behavior and mental problems and help to explain and resolve them.

GNE Entrepreneurship

Students are exposed to and given a set of fundamental business models along with entrepreneurial mindset that allow them to understand the basic concept of how to form and run a start-up. The term and concept of entrepreneurship are introduced to students to open their minds to become an entrepreneur in any field.

GNE Political Science

GNE Sociology

This course is an introduction to sociology that is the scientific study of human society. It includes definition of sociology, sociological imagination, early thinkers of sociology, social theories, culture, socialization and social structure. After completion of this course, the students will come to understand the influence of social relationships upon people’s lives, including their own, and the development of societies.