Bachelor of Theology

Bachelor of Theology is the basic degree to prepare a person for ordained ministry. After graduation, a student is well prepared to lead a congregation and to pursue further studies at the mater's level.

This program aims to cultivate servants and visionary leaders for the churches. It attempts to help the students grow in spiritual depth and moral integrity. It is also to equip the student in developing the specific skills needed for effective ministry and public leadership and to develop a deep understanding of the cultural and social context.

Course Requirements
KL 101Kachin Literature & Culture2
KL 102Kachin Literature & Culture2
ENG 101English Grammar 12
ENG 102English Grammar 22
ENG 203Writing 12
ENG 204Writing 22
Biblical DivisionCourseCredits
OT/NT 306Biblical Hebrew/Greek 13
OT/NT 307Biblical Hebrew/Greek 23
Old TestamentCourseCredits
OT 101Introduction to Old Testament 13
OT 102Introduction to Old Testament 23
OT 203Prophets2
OT 204Poetical Books/Pentateuch2
OT 308Old Testament Exegesis3
OT 409Old Testament Theology2
New TestamentCourseCredits
NT 101Introduction to New Testament 13
NT 102Introduction to New Testament 23
NT 203Life of Christ2
NT 204Paul & His Theology2
NT 205Biblical Hermeneutics2
NT 308New Testament Exegesis3
NT 409New Testament Theology2
Church HistoryCourseCredits
CH 101Early & Medieval Church History3
CH 102Reformation & Modern Church History3
CH 303Baptist Church History & Doctrine2
CH 404Ecumenical Theology2
Christian TheologyCourseCredits
CT 301Philosophy for Understanding Theology2
CT 302Introduction to Christian Theology2
CT 303Christian Theology2
CT 304Introduction to Christian Ethics2
CT 305Asian Theology2
CT 306Gender and Theology2
Education MinistryCourseCredits
EM 101Introduction to Christian Education2
EM 102Christian Education for Children2
EM 203Lesson Plan Writing2
EM 204Christian Education for Youth Ministry2
EM 205Field EducationP/F
EM 306Introduction to Early Childhood Care & Development (ECCD)2
EM 407Christian Education for Adult2
MS 201World Religions2
MS 302Biblical Foundation of Mission2
MS 303Theology of Mission2
MS 404Cross Cultural Communication2
MS 405Kachin Tradition and Culture2
Practical TheologyCourseCredits
PT 201Sociology2
PT 202Spiritual Formation2
PT 303Homiletics 12
PT 304Pastoral Theology2
PT 305Homiletics 22
PT 306Pastoral Care and Counselling 12
PT 307Apologetic2
PT 308Pastoral Care and Counselling 22
PT 309Church Administration2
MUS 101Music Theory 12
MUS 102Music Theory 22
MUS 203Music Sight Reading2
MUS 204Music Ministry2
All DepartmentsCourseCredits
AA 201Digital LiteracyP/F
AA 302Research MethodP/F
AA 403Mini Research Paper3
Program Requirements
  • Registered and enrolled in the program for the duration of 4 years
  • Completion of required 8 semesters
  • 122 total credits of courses
  • 3 credits of Mini Research Paper
  • Passing grade of Field Education
  • Accumulation of 125 credits thar are required for graduation