Bachelor of Ministry (Kachin)

This program is designed for pastors or ministers with Diploma in Theology or Licentiate of Theology and who have more than five years' experience in the ministerial field. The primary purpose of this degree is to equip pastors and ministers who want to be more effective in ministry. It is to develop ministry in order to strengthen local churches by depending theological, pastoral, and personal knowledge and skills of a pastor.

Course Requirements
Old TestamentCourseCredits
OT 201Old Testament Exposition2
OT 302Old Testament Theology2
OT 403Prophets2
New TestamentCourseCredits
NT 201New Testament Exposition2
NT/OT 302Biblical Hermeneutic2
NT 403New Testament Theology2
Church HistoryCourseCredits
CH 207Ecumenism2
CH 308Baptist Theology2
Christian TheologyCourseCredits
CT 201Philosophy for Understanding Theology2
CT 302Christian Theology 1& 24
CT 403Gender and Theology2
CT 404Contemporary Christian Theologies2
CT 405Contextual Theology2
Educational MinistryCourseCredits
EM 301Teaching Ministry2
EM 402Lay Ministry2
Practical TheologyCourseCredits
PT 201Pastoral Theology2
PT 202Pastoral Care & Counseling2
PT 303Group Decision Making Process2
PT 304Church & Development2
PT 405Expository Preaching2
PT 406Church Administration2
PT 407Church Music Ministry2
MS 201Theology of Mission2
MS 20221st Century Christian Mission2
MS 303Church Growth2
Program Requirements
  • Registered and enrolled in the program for the duration of 2 years
  • Completion of required 4 modules (semesters)
  • Completion of 56 total credits of courses
  • Completion of 3 credits of research paper
  • Accumulation of 59 credits that are required for graduation